Favorite Calculation Method
In the "Favorite calculation method" you can select which method you want to use. If none is selected, the cheapest supplier will be considered as the default selection. You can find the selection either in the ITscope Job under item options (see image ITscope Job) or in the ITscope setup under job queue (see image ITscope Setup). If you click on 'Select from complete list', a list with the created methods will be displayed. There you also have the possibility to create new calculation methods.
- Method Specifies the value of the Method field.
- Description Specifies the value of the Supplier field.
- Supplier Specifies the value of the Supplier field.
- From manufacturer list When enabled, takes the calculation method from manufacturer list.
- From calculation method When enabled, takes the calculation method from calculation method.
- From catalog Item Hdr When enabled, takes the calculation method from catalog Item header.
- From Item Header When enabled, takes the calculation method from item header.
- Cheapest supplier with stock When enabled, takes the calculation method from cheapest supplier with stock.
- Cheapest supplier When enabled, takes the calculation method from cheapest supplier list.